Extreme Heat Policy
Updated 9th August 2021
Game Day
If the Government declares a “catastrophic” or “code red” fire day all games at venues without cooling will be abandoned (Upwey and Knox College do not currently have cooling facilities). A notice will be placed on the website and on the hot weather call line (9847 2318). It is noted that players, who reside in the Dandenong’s, may be required to invoke their fire plans making it difficult to attend their scheduled games. KBI recognises that this may then impact on a team’s ability to play so where this occurs, special consideration will be given and the game will be declared a double bye. For all other circumstances the following will apply.
In the event that the ambient temperature exceeds 36 degrees Celsius on any court the rest of the day’s games on that court will be cancelled. This decision will be based on the temperature reading at each court and will be determined by the doorkeeper at the venue prior to the start of each game. A game that is already in progress will be completed with all following games cancelled. A cancelled game will constitute a “double bye”.
When the temperature on a court reaches 32 degrees Celsius, then that court will invoke the Extreme Heat Policy. Temperature gauges are located near the score benches on each court (except at Knox Stadium and State Basketball Centre, where 1 temperature gauge takes the temperature for the 3 courts on each side of the stadiums) and will be read after the completion of each game. The referees are to call 2 mandatory time outs at or immediately after the 6 and 12 minute marks of each half of the game regardless of the number of timeouts used by the coaches. Even if one coach does not call any timeouts the players will still have 4 timeouts in each half providing ample opportunity for players to have a break. While coaches can take advantage of the time out to talk to players the timeout is essentially designed to be used as a drinks break for both players and referees.
With common sense, participants can cope with our extremely hot summer days. A common sense approach would see coaches rotating players to ensure a full rest break each half, the full utilisation of time outs to ensure players take drinks and short rest breaks and a balanced approach to the tempo of the game (i.e man to man defence commences in the back court rather than a full court approach).
Where possible, teams should make every effort to provide extra drinks and wet towels for games during these hot periods.
Where a player has any special medical conditions professional advice should be sought concerning their participation. Unless medical advice prohibits the player participating in hot weather players are encouraged to play so as to avoid the remaining team members having to increase their playing time.
Once games at a court have been cancelled due to extreme heat the doorkeeper will advise the office who will update the hot weather recorded message and the website to inform players that the games are cancelled for the remainder of the day.
Training Day
If the forecast temperature for Melbourne (City) is 36 degrees or greater then training is at the coaches discretion. If coaches still wish to run their training sessions on these days, it is at the parents discretion as to whether their child attends. No player will be penalised with less court time for non attendance by coach or club as long as the coach or team manager is informed and acknowledges receipt of the decision 1 hour prior to the scheduled training session. This is so an appropriate training plan can be arranged based on the number of attendees.