Social Media and Internet Policy


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for use of social media by all members of The Basin Wildcats Basketball Club.  Members include players, parents, coaches and committee members.

The Basin Wildcats Basketball club expects its members to maintain a high level of professionalism and display appropriate behaviour at all times when using Social media for any purpose involving basketball.

What is Social Media?

Social Media includes all internet-based publishing technologies.  Most forms of Social Media are interactive, allowing authors, readers and publishers to connect and interact with each other.

Forms of social member include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Snap Chat

Social Media can be fun, helpful and dangerous

Comments, notes and photos posted on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and on-line forums are usually constructive and positive. But negative comments and images, bullying, criticism and sexist remarks can be dangerous and harmful to people’s wellbeing and reputation and the image of the sport.

The Basin Wildcats Social Media Guidelines

The Basin Wildcats Basketball Club acknowledges its members have the right to contribute content on social network sites. We ask that all members

  • Use Social media as a positive outlet to promote players, teammates, teams, clubs and others involved in basketball
  • Always remember to show respect to other players, teammates, officials etc
  • Be aware that your actions on social media can have serious consequences
  • Consider social media to be your personal and club brand
  • Do not tolerate or condone poor social media behaviour or actions

All members must refrain from posting, sending, forwarding or using in anyway inappropriate material which;

  • Could possibly cause insult / offence / intimidation or humiliation to The Basin Wildcats Basketball Club or its members and associates of the wider basketball community.
  • May be considered defamatory to anyone involved in basketball.
  • Comments that may be seen to affect the reputation of the Club.
  • Any encouragement of inappropriate material such as liking, re-tweeting and general promoting of unacceptable behaviour.
  • Posting on all blogs/forums that reflect negatively on the Club or basketball and its participants in general.

What happens if a member breaches this policy?

All Basin Wildcats Basketball Club members are expected to comply with this policy at all times.  Your actions on social media may have serious consequences.  If a member is found to have breached this policy or acted improperly disciplinary action may be taken.

Disciplinary action includes

  • Formal warning from The Basin Wildcats Basketball Club Committee
  • Suspension or Termination of members from The Basin Wildcats Basketball Club
  • Referral to the Basketball Victoria Tribunal

Each case will be assessed by The Basin Wildcats Basketball Club committee based on the individual circumstances to decide on the appropriate action to be taken.

Let’s all work together to make Social Media a fun experience!

Social Media can have a positive effect for the club and its members, let all work together to make this happen. If you observe or are aware of poor social media behaviour, do not accept it.  There is no place for it.  If a member believes they have seen a breach of the policy they are encouraged to report it to a club official or committee member.